Adam Moles , PhD



.Adam worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Alaska from 1972-2012. In addition to marine research, he was the Scientific Editor for the agency. Adam served as editor of the federal government's main marine sciences journal Fishery Bulletin. He taught English at the University of Alaska Southeast for 7 years in addition to teaching medical microbiology and fish pathology. Adam holds a PhD in fishery science and an M.A. in English

Research Interests

Microbiology of disease organisms. Previous research focused on changes in bacteria and parasites in fish and invertebrates as a consequence of environmental change.

Educational & Professional Experience



Name: Adam Moles



B.S. (Zoology), University of Washington

B.S. (Molecular Biology), University of Washington

B.L.A. (Literature), University of Alaska


M.A. (English), Middlebury College/Oxford University

M.S. (Fishery Biology), University of Alaska


Ph.D. (Fishery Biology), University of Alaska                      


Teaching Experience

2014 - Current

Non-tenure track Instructor in Biology

Western Washington University



Teach Medical Microbiology for non-majors. Students are entering the medical field, including physican’s assistant, nursing, physical therapy, dentistry, and community health.



Adjunct Instructor in Biology

University of Alaska Southeast


1981, 1997-2003

Adjunct Instructor  in English

University of Alaska Southeast


Scientific Editor

2012 – 2015   

Associate Editor, Fisheries Oceanography


Associate Editor, Fishery Bulletin


Scientific Editor

Fishery Bulletin



Served as Chief Scientific Editor for the NOAA Fisheries. Ensured publications submitted to the Fishery Bulletin and Professional Paper Series met the standards of scientific peer review. The Fishery Bulletin is one of the leading international journals publishing original research on marine fisheries and marine mammal science.


Scientific Research


Laboratory Administrator (GS 14)

Coordinated.scientific services for the Division. Administered longterm research planning and handled nearly all research administration for the Division including strategic plans, operating plans, datacalls, water quality issues, personnel recruitment and retention, MOUs, FOIA, NEPA, service contracts, budgets, records management, laboratory safety, publication editing and oversight, chemical hygiene, property, and contractor oversight. Primary duty was mentoring staff in technical writing, teaching, and communication of scientific information.




Fishery Research Biologist GS14

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Marine Fisheries Service

Auke Bay Laboratory

Auke Bay, Alaska



Conducted and led scientific research on interactions of habitat, contaminants, and disease on fish behavior and physiology.  Published 75 peer-reviewed papers, some of which altered current thinking about longterm pollution toxicity. Research was successfully applied during major oil spills, particularly the Exxon Valdez. Considered a pioneer in the use of fish parasites as habitat bioindicators. Served as the primary point of contact for fishery managers and stakeholders wanting information and scientific review of documents related to habitat issues in Alaska.


Boards and Commissions

Fishery Bulletin Editorial Board

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Editorial Board

National Marine Fisheries Service Publications Advisory Committee




Moles, Adam. 2009. Behavioural response of pink salmon fry (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) to fresh, weathered, and dispersed crude oil. Proceedings of the Thirty-second Arctic Marine Oil Spill Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response.Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 2: 837-847.


Rice, Stanley D., Larry Holland, and Adam Moles. 2008. Seasonal increases in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons related to two-stroke engine use in a small Alaskan lake. Journal of Lake and Reservoir Management 24: 10-17.


Schaufler, Lawrence, Johanna Vollenweider, and Adam Moles. 2008. Changes in the lipid class and proximate compositions of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) smolts infected with the nematode parasite Philonema agubernaculum. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 149B: 148-152.


Moles, Adam. 2007. Parasites of the fishes of Alaska. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 12:197-226.


Moles, Adam and Ron A. Heintz. 2007. Parasites of forage fishes in the vicinity of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) habitat in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43(3):366-375


Rice, Stanley D., Jeffrey W. Short, Mark G. Carls, Adam Moles, and Robert B. Spies. 2007. The Exxon Valdez oil spill. Chapter 5. pp. 413-514 In: R. B. Spies, T. Cooney, A.M. Springer, T. Weingartner, and G. Kruse (eds.), Long-term Ecological Change in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam.


Holland, Larry, Marie Larsen, Mark G. Carls, Adam Moles, and Stanley D. Rice. 2006. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorined pesticides (OCPs) in the Kenai River, Alaska: 2001-2005. Processed Report 1224. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, 96 p.        



Moles, Adam, Larry Holland, and Ole Andersson. 2006. Assessment of the significance of direct and indirect pollution inputs to a major salmon-producing river using polyethylene membrane devices. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(8): 2011-2017.


Rice, Stanley and Adam Moles. 2006. Assessing the potential for remote delivery of persistent organic pollutants to the Kenai River in Alaska. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 12(1): 142-146.


Moles, Adam and Gary D. Marty. 2005. Physiological changes in prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) inhabiting a lake used by jet-propelled watercraft. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology  74(6): 1151-1158.


Moles, Adam. 2004. Parasites of juvenile yellowfin sole and rock sole in southeast Alaska. Northwest Science 78(4): 339-343.


Moles, Adam. 2004. Parasites as habitat bioindicators in juvenile yellowfin sole and rock sole. Pp. 126 in Proceedings of the 13th Western Groundfish Conference, Victoria, British Columbia. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


Moles, Adam. 2003. Effect of parasitism by Philonema agubernaculum (Nematoda: Philometridae) on the ability of Dolly Varden char to capture prey in fresh water and salt water. Alaska Fisheries Research Bulletin 10(2): 119-123..


Moles, Adam and Natalie Hale. 2003. Use of physiological responses in Mytilus trossulus as integrative bioindicators of sewage pollution. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 954-958.


Short, Jeffrey W., Stanley D. Rice,  Ron A. Heintz, Mark G. Carls, and Adam Moles.  2003.   Long-term Effects of Crude Oil on Developing Fish: Lessons from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Energy Sources 25: 509-517.


Moles, Adam. 2002. Juvenile demersal fishes: a possible case for the use of dispersants in the subarctic. Pp. 1353-1365 In: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.


Moles, Adam, Larry Holland, and Jeffrey Short. 2002. Effectiveness in the laboratory of Corexit 9527 and 9500 in dispersing fresh, weathered, and emulsion of Alaska North Slope crude oil under subarctic conditions. Spill Science and Technology Bulletin 7(5/6): 241-247.


Moles, Adam and Ryan Scott.  2002. Growth and behavior of juvenile Alaskan flatfishes in the laboratory.  Northwest Science 76(1): 41-45.


Moles, Adam and Robert P. Stone. 2002. Habitat preferences of juvenile Tanner and red king crabs: substrate and crude oil.  Pp. 631-644 In: Proceedings of the 2001 Lowell Wakefield Symposium: Crabs in Cold Water Regions: Biology, Management, and Economics, Fairbanks, Alaska. AK-SG-02-01.


Carls, Mark G., Ron Heintz, Adam Moles, Stanley D. Rice, and Jeffrey W. Short.  2001.  Long term biological damage...what do we know and how should it influence our decisions on response, assessment and restoration?  Pp. 399-403 In: Proceedings of the 2001 International Oil Spill Conference (Global Strategies for Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Restoration).  American Petroleum Institute Publication 14710, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC.



Moles, Adam. 2001.  Changing perspectives on oil toxicity evaluation.  Pp. 435-439 In: Proceedings of the 2001 International Oil Spill Conference (Global Strategies for Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Restoration).  American Petroleum Institute Publication 14710, American Petroleum Institute, Washington DC.


Moles, Adam and Ryan Scott.  2001.  Effect of entry timing and salinity on overwinter growth of sockeye salmon fry in seawater.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 63: 222-228.


Moles, Adam and Terry L. Wade.  2001. Parasitism and phagocytic function among sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas exposed to crude oil-laden sediments. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 66(4):528-535.


Rice, Stanley D. , Robert E. Thomas, Ronald A. Heintz, Alex C. Wertheimer, Michael L. Murphy, Mark G. Carls, Jeffrey W. Short, and Adam Moles. 2001.  Impacts to pink salmon following the Exxon Valdez oil spill: persistence, toxicity, sensitivity, and controversy.  Reviews in Fishery Science 9 (3): 165-211.


Stanley D. Rice, Jeff W. Short, Ron A. Heintz, Adam Moles, Robert E. Thomas.  2001.  Oil and Gas Issues in Alaska: Lessons Learned about Long-term Toxicity Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.  Pg. 91-97 In: Exploring the Future of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in BC: Lessons from the Atlantic.  Continuing Studies in Science at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.


Moles, Adam. 2000.  A simple approach for selecting groundfish HAPCs.  Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Western Groundfish Conference, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Sitka, Alaska.


Moles, Adam and Kathleen Jensen. 2000. Prevalence of the sockeye salmon brain parasite Myxobolus arcticus in selected Alaska streams. Alaska Fisheries Research Bulletin. 62(2): 85-93.


Rice, Stanley D., Jeffrey W. Short, Ron A. Heintz, Mark G. Carls, and Adam Moles.  2000. Life history consequences of oil pollution in fish natal habitat.  Pp. 1210-1215 In: Peter Catania (ed.), Energy 2000: The Beginning of a New Millennium. Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, England.


Wilmot, Richard L., Christine M. Kondzela, Charles M. Guthrie, Adam Moles, Jerome J. Pella, and Michele Masuda. 2000. Origins of salmon seized from the F/V/ Arctic Wind. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Document 471: 1-18.


Moles, Adam. 1999. Parasitism, feeding rate and hydrocarbon uptake of pink shrimp Pandalus borealis fed a crude oil contaminated diet. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 62 (3): 259-265.


Wilmot, Richard L., Christine M. Kondzela, Charles M. Guthrie III, Adam Moles. Ellen Martinson, and John H. Helle. 1999. Origins of sockeye and chum salmon seized from the Chinese velle Ying Fa. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission 410: 1-21.


Johnson, Scott W., Stanley D. Rice, and D. Adam Moles. 1998. Effects of submarine mine tailings disposal on juvenile yellowfin sole (Pleuronectes asper): a laboratory study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36(4): 278-287.



Moles, Adam. 1998. Sensitivity of ten aquatic species to long-term crude oil exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 102-107.


Moles, Adam and Jonathan Heifetz. 1998. Effects of the brain parasite Myxobolus arcticus (Protozoa, Myxozoa) on sockeye salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 52 (1): 146-151


Moles,Adam, Jonathan Heifetz, and David C. Love. 1998. Metazoan parasites as potential markers for selected Gulf of Alaska rockfishes.  Fishery Bulletin (U.S.) 96(4): 912-916.


Moles, Adam and Brenda L. Norcross. 1998. Effects of oil-laden sediments on growth and health of juvenile flatfishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  55: 605-610.


Pella, Jerome, Michele Masuda, Charles Guthrie III, Christine Kondzela, Anthony Gharrett, Adam Moles, and Gary Winans. 1998. Stock composition of some sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, catches in southeast Alaska, based on incidence of allozyme variants, freshwater ages, and a brain-tissue parasite. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 132.


Urawa, Shigehiko, K. Nagasawa, Leo Margolis, and Adam Moles.  1998. Stock identification of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea by parasites tags.  North Pacific Anadramous Fish Commission Bulletin 1: 199-204.


Moles, Adam. 1997. Effect of bacterial kidney disease on saltwater adaptation of coho salmon smolts. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 9: 230-233.


Adam Moles, Sid Korn, and Stanley Rice.  1997.  Effects of low winter temperatures and starvation on resistance to stress in presmolt coho salmon. Pp. 148-154 In J.R. Reynolds, editor.  Fish Ecology in Arctic North America.  American Fisheries Society Symposium 19, Bethesda, Maryland


Thedinga, John F., Adam Moles, and Jeffrey T. Fujioka. 1997. Mark retention and growth of jet-injected juvenile marine fish.  Fishery Bulletin 95: 629-633.


Love, David, Robert Thomas and Adam Moles. 1996. Bitter crab hemolymph studies: indications of host physiological condition. Pp. 549-562 In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biology, Management, and Economics of Crabs from High Latitudes. Alaska Sea Grant College Program AK-SG-86-02.


Moles, Adam.  1996.  Effect of bacterial kidney disease on saltwater adaptation in coho salmon smolts.  Pp. 117-122.  In S. McCormick, M. Sheridan, R. Patino and D. MacKinlay (eds.), The Physiology of Migratory Fishes, Symposium Proceedings.  American Fisheries Society.


Moles, Adam.  1996.  Effects of oil laden sediments on behavior and growth of juvenile flatfishes.  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.


Adam Moles and Brenda Norcross. 1995.  Sediment preference in juvenile Pacific flatfishes.  Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 34:177-182.



Wing, Bruce L. and Adam Moles. 1995. Behavior of Rocinela angustata (Isopoda, Aegidae), an ectoparasite of Alaskan marine fishes. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 7:34-37.


Moles, Adam, Stanley Rice and Brenda Norcross. 1994. Non-avoidance of hydrocarbon laden sediments by juvenile flatfishes. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32:361-367.


Stanley Rice, Robert Thomas and Adam Moles.  1994.  Physiological and growth differences in three stocks of underyearling sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) on early entry into seawater. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:974-980.


David Love, Stanley Rice, Adam Moles, and William Eaton. 1993. Seasonal  prevalence and intensity of Bitter Crab dinoflagellate infection and host mortality in Alaskan Tanner crabs Chionoecetes bairdi from Auke Bay, Alaska, USA.  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 15:33-46.


Moles, Adam, Stanley Rice and Mark Okihiro.  1993.  Herring parasite and tissue  alterations following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Proceedings of the 1993 International Oil Spill Conference, March 29-April 1, 1993, Tampa, Florida.


Rice, Stanley D. and Adam Moles. 1991. Humpies and Hydrocarbons: relating laboratory effects studies to potential effects from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Proceedings of the 15th Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, pp. 153-157. Feb. 27-March 1, 1991, Parksville, B.C.


Tarbox, Kenneth, Adam Moles and David Waltemyer.  1991. Presence of parasites in sockeye salmon of upper Cook Inlet, Alaska.  Alaska Department of Fish and Game Regional Information Report 2S91-5.


Moles, Adam, Patricia Rounds and Christine Kondela.  1990.  Use of the brain parasite, Myxobolus neurobius, in separating mixed stocks of sockeye salmon. American Fisheries Society Symposium 7: 224-231.


Moles, Adam, Pat Rounds and Stan Rice. 1989.  Distribution of the brain parasite Myxobolus as a possible stock marker in sockeye salmon of central Alaska. Workshop on Stock Separation Methods, Anchorage Alaska, Feb. 14-16, 1989


Robert E. Thomas, Stanley D. Rice, Malin M. Babcock, and Adam Moles.  1989. Differences in hydrocarbon uptake and mixed function oxidase activity between  juvenile and spawning adult coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, exposed to Cook Inlet crude oil.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 93C, No.1, 155- 159.


Moles, Adam. 1987.  Distribution of the brain parasite Myxobolus neurobius in  sockeye salmon in southeastern Alaska and use of the parasite for stock  identification.  Proceedings of the Southeast Alaska Interdivisional Sockeye Salmon Program Review. Commercial Fisheries Division, Alaska Department of Fish and Game.


Moles, Adam, Malin M. Babcock, and Stanley D. Rice.  1987. Effects of oil exposure on pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, alevins in a simulated intertidal  environment. Marine  Environmental Research 21: 49‑58.



Rice, Stanley D., Malin M. Babcock, Christine C. Brodersen, Mark G. Carls, Jessica     A. Gharrett, Sid Korn, Adam Moles and Jeffrey W. Short.  1987. Lethal and  sublethal effects of the water‑soluble fraction of Cook Inlet crude oil on Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) reproduction.  NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS F/NWC‑111, 63 pgs.


Thomas, Robert E., Jessica A. Gharrett, Mark G. Carls,  Stanley D. Rice, Adam Moles and Sid Korn.  1986. Effects of fluctuating temperatures on mortality, stress, and energy reserves of juvenile coho salmon.  Transactions American Fisheries Society 115:52‑59.


Moles, Adam, Stanley D. Rice, and Scott A. Andrews  1985.  Continuous‑flow  devices for exposing marine organisms to the water‑soluble fractions of crude oil and its components. Pp.53‑61. Canadian Technical Report Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  1368:53-61.


Moles, Adam and Jerome J. Pella. 1984.  Effects of parasitism and temperature on  salinity tolerance of kelp shrimp Eualis suckleyi.  Transactions American Fisheries Society. 113(3): 354‑359.


Rice, Stanley D., D. Adam Moles, John F. Karinen, Sid Korn, Mark G. Carls, Christine C. Brodersen, Jessica A. Gharrett, Malin M. Babcock.  1984.  Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on Alaskan aquatic organisms: A comprehensive  review of all oil‑effects research on Alaskan fish and invertebrates  conducted by Auke Bay Laboratory, 1970‑81.  U. S. Dept. of Commerce,NOAA, Technical Memorandum NMFS/NWC‑67. 145 p


Stickle, W. B. Jr., S. D. Rice, and A. Moles. 1984.  Bioenergetics and survival of the  marine snail, Thais lima, during long‑term oil exposure.  (Berl.) Marine Biology.  80(3):281‑289.


Moles, Adam  1983.  Effect of parasitism by mussel glochidia on growth of coho salmon. Transactions American Fisheries Society 112:201‑204.


Moles, Adam and Stanley D. Rice. 1983.  Effects of crude oil and naphthalene on growth, caloric content, and fat content of pink salmon juveniles in seawater. Transactions American Fisheries Society  112:205‑211.


Moles, Adam  1982. Parasite‑host records of Alaskan fishes.  NOAA Technical Report: NMFS SSRF‑760. 41p.


Moles, Adam, Steve Bates, Stanley D. Rice, and Sid Korn.  1981.  Reduced growth of coho salmon fry exposed to two petroleum components, toluene and naphthalene, in fresh water. Transactions American Fisheries Society  110: 430‑436.


Moles, D. Adam. 1980.  Sensitivity of parasitized coho salmon fry to crude oil, toluene, and naphthalene.  Transaction American  Fisheries Society 109:293‑297.


Korn, Sid, D. Adam Moles, and Stanley D. Rice. 1979.  Effects of temperature on  the median tolerance limit of pink salmon and shrimp exposed to toluene, naphthalene, and Cook Inlet crude oil.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 21:521‑525.



Moles, Adam, Stanley D. Rice, and Sid Korn.  1979. Sensitivity of Alaskan  freshwater and anadromous fishes to Prudhoe Bay crude oil and benzene. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 108:408‑414.


Rice, Stanley D., D. Adam Moles, Tamara L. Taylor, and John F. Karinen. 1979. Sensitivity of 39 Alaskan marine species to Cook Inlet crude oil and No. 2 fuel oil.  In Proceedings of the 1979 Joint Conference on (Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup), p. 549‑554. American Petroleum Institute, Washington D. C., 728 p.                                  


Moles, Adam.  1977.  Effect of parasitism by glochidia of Anodonta oregonensis Lea on the sensitivity of coho salmon fry, Oncorhynchus kisutch Walbaum to the water soluble fraction of Prudhoe Bay crude oil and the effect of crude oil on the development of the glochidium.  M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Juneau, Alaska.


Rice, S. D., J. W. Short, C. C. Brodersen, T. A. Mecklenburg, A. Moles, C. J. Misch, D. L. Cheatham, and J. F. Karinen. 1976.  Acute toxicity and uptake‑depuration studies with Cook Inlet crude oil, Prudhoe Bay crude oil, No. 2 fuel oil and  several subarctic marine organisms. NWFC Processed Report, National Marine Fisheries Service.  Seattle.  90 p.


Rice Stanley D., D. Adam Moles, and Jeffrey W. Short. 1975.  The effect of Prudhoe Bay crude oil on survival and growth of eggs, alevins, and fry of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha.  In: Proceedings of the 1975 Joint Conference on Prevention and Control of Oil Pollution Pp. 503‑507 American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C. 612 p.