
Western Washington University Insect Collection
With approximately 75,000 insect specimens, the WWU insect collection (WWUC) is the largest public insect collection in Western Washington. Most of the specimens are from Washington, but we also have some spectacular and large tropical insects. The specimens in the collection are used to support courses in introductory biology, invertebrate zoology, and entomology, as well as the community of research entomologists. In addition, we regularly host visitors from Master Gardeners courses, Compass2Campus, and other outreach programs.
For further questions, please contact Merrill Peterson at 360-6503636 or

Pacific Northwest Herbarium
The Pacific Northwest Herbarium (WWB) is an archive of approximately 40,000 botanical and fungal specimens, with an emphasis on those found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Herbaria are permanent physical records of natural history and bases for systematic, evolutionary, and ecological research. The main role of WWB is to serve as a repository of plant collections and documentation of botanical research, but beyond that the collections are meant to be utilized for scientific and educational purposes. Students, faculty, visiting scientists and community members are all welcome to utilize the collection and become more familiar with the diverse plants of our region.
For further questions and access to the WWB, please contact Eric DeChaine at 360-6506575 or

Shell Collection
View the Biology Department's shell collection archive within MABEL: Multimedia Archives Based Electronic Library. A full record of each shell, including description and multiple photos are available. The collection is used as a reference and teaching tool for biology students, the Western community, and the general public.
Check out this article from Western's Window magazine to learn more history about the shell collection.